PHJ Tokyo Office closed from December 28 through January 5

Please be advised that PHJ Tokyo Office will be closed for the year end

and new year holidays, from December 28, 2024 through January 5, 2025.

During this period, we will not be able to respond to any inquiries.

We will resume our business on January 6 and appreciate your understanding.

PHJ Tokyo Office closed from April 27 through May 6

Please be advised that PHJ Tokyo Office will be closed for the Japanese holiday: Golden Week, from April 27 through May 6, 2024.

During this period, we will not be able to respond to any inquiries.

We will resume our business on May 7 and appreciate your understanding.

PHJ Tokyo Office’s Address Effective February 28, 2022

PHJ Tokyo Office will be relocated to the following address effective February 28,2022.

People’s Hope Japan (PH-Japan)
2nd floor, Health Clinic of Yokogawa Electric Corporation
2-9-32 Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-8750, Japan

Phone: 81-422-52-5507
Fax: 81-422-52-7035

PHJ Indonesia office is closed

PHJ Indonesia Office was closed on December 31, 2016. All the PHJ Indonesia projects were transferred to the local organizations that will continue to support the projects under their initiatives. We appreciate your support to Indonesia projects since 1999.
Please see the Indonesia projects pages.
Please contact for any inquiry on PHJ Indonesia projects.

PHJ-Thailand office is closed

PHJ Thailand Office is closed on October 31, 2016. All the PHJ Thailand projects were transferred to the local organizations that will continue to support the projects under their initiatives. We appreciate your support to our Thailand projects since 1998.
Please contact for any inquiry on PHJ Vietnam and Thailand projects.

Request for PHJ's Kumamoto Disaster Relief Donation

The Kumamoto Earthquake Disaster arising on April 14 and a series of earthquakes following in the Kyushu area are causing big damages and casualties. PH-Japan extends sincere sympathies to all the people suffering from the disaster.
Wishing to help the people in the disaster area, PHJ started the Kumamoto Disaster Relief Donation on April 22, 2016. Please see the website (in Japanese) for this donation.
PHJ is cooperating with All Japan Hospital Association* (AJHA)’s Kumamoto Disaster Relief Medical Assistance Team on this medical support, so that the people can receive necessary medical care services from the AJHA member hospitals in the disaster area.
*Please see the AJHA website
Donate: Although the credit card donation and bank transfer donation are available as
shown below, from outside Japan, please contact first
Credit Card:
VISA or Master Card only
Bank Transfer:
Mizuho Bank, Mitaka Branch,
Ordinary Savings Account 1519866
Thank you for your attention on this donation.

Japanese Government Grant to the PHJ Cambodia Project

PHJ Cambodia is starting the Primary Health Care System Strengthening for Mothers and Children in
Kompong Cham Province, Cambodia, under the grant from the Japanese Government. On October 20,
the grant signing ceremony was held at the Japanese Embassy in Cambodia. Please see the press release of
the Japanese Embassy in Cambodia.